Legalizzazione Cannabis - Dove è Legale

Cannabis Legalization - Where It's Legal

Despite the growing medical use of Cannabis around the world, there are still more than 100 countries where Medical Cannabis is illegal. However, the reason for the continued ban varies from country to country.

Cannabis is extremely popular as an alternative treatment among people who believe that drugs are insufficient, dangerous or too expensive. Patients can consume Medicinal Cannabis in a variety of ways, including capsules, skin patches, oral or skin sprays, Edible Cannabis , vaporizing or smoking dried flowers.

Despite the growing liberalization of Medical cannabis , misconceptions still persist in many parts of the world. These misconceptions are mainly based on associating the plant with "weed" or "marijuana", known for their recreational use to produce a "high".

The change around medical cannabis is underway

We found nearly 150 countries with strict rules and prohibitive laws when it comes to the medicinal use of Cannabis .

Map: Canex

As you can see, some of the major progressive Western countries (e.g. Sweden and Iceland) are also against legalization.

The UK falls under the 'legal with conditions' label, as limited use has been approved since 2018. In France, however, the medical use of some cannabinoid-based drugs has been legal since 2013 .

It is worth noting that the position on this issue is not clear even in the European Union. Most members are about to take the next step or have already legalized Medical Cannabis . However, some parts of the trading block don't show much interest in going with the flow.

The future of medicinal cannabis

Regardless, the CBD and Hemp industry is already thriving and dealing with CBD and related products is driving more and more companies of CBD worldwide.

Patients and athletes use it for its possible anti-inflammatory, wellness and therapeutic effects. CBD has become popular with many people suffering from conditions such as anxiety, sleep disorders, arthritis and epilepsy and many more.

Finally, although further ongoing research is essential, Cannabis may also be a deciding factor in treating some life-threatening diseases or reducing the side effects of medical treatments, according to preliminary evidence.

Countries that say no to surveys and tests could miss a huge opportunity. And in the end, patients pay the extreme price for it.

Sources: Canex

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