Cbd per Cani - Benefici

Cbd for Dogs - Benefits

Dogs and cats are increasingly taking the intoxicating Cannabis composition as their owners seek relief for their four-legged friends, from fear to pain to seizures. 🐕 🐈

Although there is little evidence that CBD works for all of these conditions, some people are enthusiastic about it and many vets are prescribing it.

Joanne Schaus has found her CBD oil here .

lei He said that his 11-year-old Australian Shepherd, Skid, "capsizes" when there is a storm, a very common situation.
Lightning, thunder, and sometimes even just rain make her vibrate and gasp.

she Tried pretty much everything, nothing worked, one day reading, she saw news of how CBD could help, so she tried. After a few weeks Skid calmed down and became much less anxious.

"He just didn't notice the storm, I can't say that he got rid of the problem completely because if there is a huge lightning bolt, he still gets a little nervous."

In the experience of doctors: CBD works great on osteoarthritis, pain and as an anti-inflammatory.

On the timing of the benefits the answer is subjective, there are cases in which CBD does not have immediate effects, there are dogs in which it takes effect after a couple of days or even after 15 days.

Most doctors suggest that people talk to their vets before giving CBD to their pets.

# enjoy420

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