Coltivazione Indoor - Temperatura e Umidità

Cannabis, Indoor Cultivation - Temperature and Humidity

The ideal grow room temperature and humidity vary depending on the life stage of the plant. Cloning requires higher temperatures and humidity than vegetative growth, and flowering plants also have different ideal weather conditions. To master the art of growing cannabis, composing in the right environment at the right time remains the most essential ingredient for success. So what is the best grow room temperature and humidity level?

Measurement and modification of temperature and humidity

To measure temperature and humidity correctly, you will need a thermometer-hygrometer . Better invest in a digital that can give you current and high and low readings when you are not inside the room. To increase the heat, you will need a heater, and to turn it down you will need an air conditioner. These can be outside or inside the growing space depending on the size of your space and how much temperatures and humidity levels fluctuate. A humidifier and a dehumidifier can be used to increase and decrease the humidity rates. Larger grow rooms can benefit from a controller that uses a sensor to track temperature and humidity and turns on the appropriate equipment to regulate and keep them within set parameters.


Since cannabis cuttings root best in warm conditions with high humidity, cheap trays with clear plastic domes work remarkably well. In cool conditions, a thermal mat should be placed under the trays to maintain an optimal temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees C and a relative humidity of 75-85%. No matter where and in what medium you intend to root your clones, keep heat and high humidity on your priority list. Clones left to cool or dry will die quite quickly. Too much moisture (over 90%) can also cause mold and rot, so cut a hole or two in the clear plastic dome to allow for some movement and air circulation.

The vegetative phase: the best temperature in the grow room

The best grow room temperature during the vegetative stage of growth is 18-25 degrees C when the lights are on during "day" and no more than 5 degrees below "night" with humidity relative of 45-55%. With these settings, your plants will be able to best convert light into energy for growth. This is the time when the plant puts out leaves and branches and expands its root system throughout the growing medium. If it gets too cold or hot, growth stops and eventually you risk losing your plants altogether.

The flowering phase: the best grow room temperature

The best grow room temperature during the flowering phase of growth is 20-24 degrees during the day and no more than 5-7 degrees lower at night. If you're supplementing with CO2, daytime temperatures can go as low as around 24-27. During flowering, you should lower the relative humidity to 35-45% and even lower (30%) in the last two weeks before harvest. This will help you avoid problems with mold, bud rot and PM (powdery mildew) that can arise in higher humidity conditions.

Drying and seasoning

The dryer is a place that must be carefully monitored.Keep in mind that your plants will emit a large amount of moisture into the room as they dry.It is important to extract the moist air and keep the air circulating in the room without the fans blowing right on the hanging branches, which can dry them prematurely resulting in sour and burning taste. Additionally, growers in dry places like Colorado struggle to extend the drying time with humidifiers, while growers in wetter climates like Northern California use dehumidifiers to draw water out of the air in order to avoid build-up. molds on their tops.

The ideal temperature for a drying room is between 18 and 23 degrees Celsius and the humidity between 45 and 55 percent in a dark, well-ventilated room. Cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids can evaporate and be released at temperatures above 27 degrees, diminishing the scent, flavor and potency of your buds. Within 6-10 days your branches should snap instead of bending and the buds should feel dry popcorn on the outside. This is the time to cut the individual shoots from the branches and place them in glass jars to begin the seasoning process. Care for your buds in a cool (20-22 ° C) and dark place.

Sources: HighTimes

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